Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank you

There are lots of people that I owe thank yous to for all the help and support that they have offered and given over the last few days; my mom for all her hard work with the boys, for flying here and for doing my dishes and laundry; the staff at Cecilton for all their love, support and help at school, my mother and sister in law for all their help with the boys, for watching them, taking them to school and daycare and driving them and me around :) to everyone for their kind words, good wishes and love and for all the little things that you did to help me and my family thank you!

I want to thank my boys for being so flexible and understanding in this very hard and crazy transition. Their schedule and world was turned upside down and mommy disappeared for a while and came back with this strange little person that they have to be "gentle" and "quite" around.
Thank you boys; you are amazing and caring big brothers that mommy and daddy are very proud of and love very much!

Finally I would like to send a big thank you out to my best friend and my husband. Thank you for all that you did to make this experience and transition as easy as possible. I know that you were run ragged for a few days and I thank you. Thank you for all the big things; running to the airport to get my mom and take her back, for keeping things as normal for the boys that you could, for running them here and there and everywhere, for being there with me; for holding my hand and talking me through it all. Thank you for the Dunkin Donuts coffee and muffin that you brought me each morning and for sneaking in that delicious cheeseburger the day of my surgery when I had not eaten in like a day; and thank you for all the little things that I did not see or know about I could not have done it without you. Thank you most of all for the third little perfect man that our family is blessed with. I love you with all my heart.

I love you all the way to the moon and back down to the dirt :)

1 comment:

Momma Bird said...

What a nice post Crystal. If you were in my house Cole would ask you if you loved him as much as the choo-choo too but I am guessing you do love you husband that much ;)