Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My time with Henry is almost over and I am already growing anxious. My anxiety is eased a bit due to the fact that Mrs. Uleau and Mary will be taking him until we are on Christmas break but I have a feeling that I will be crying lots of tears. It is has been a wonderful experience staying home with my little man. There is nothing like cuddling on the couch, rocking him to sleep or just being there to be the one to soothe him when he is sad or sick or grumpy. I do not know if I am just the general amount of sad and anxious or if I am trying to savor every moment as this could be my last baby :(


Momma Bird said...

Could be your lost? Hmmm...maybe another? :)

Cole didn't sleep at all his first three months so I was so exhausted my whole maternity leave but I still dreaded going back...even seriously contemplated not!

Momma Bird said...

Sorry...meant "last" not "lost"...need to head to bed I think :)

Crystal Uleau said...

He is more then likely it, and if u had asked me when I was pregnant there would be no doubt :) they just grow up so fast

Momma Bird said...

You never know...four seems to be the number for your Mom and Brenda and you already passed Marie :)