So, for a few days, maybe even weeks, I have been struggling with the idea of turning 30. It is just a number right? So why I am so scared of it? I do not know. It is funny, I could not wait to be 16 and get my license, 18 and graduate high school and head to college and 21 well that was a fun one. The rest of my twenties flashed by in a blur, at 23 I graduated college and moved to Montana, at 24 I was engaged and started my first year of teaching, then I was married, pregnant and enrolled in graduate school. Before I knew it I had my masters, six years of teaching, five years of marriage, three pregnancies and three wonderful little boys under my belt. Maybe I am not scared of 30, maybe I am not scared of getting older, maybe I am scared so many wonderful milestones are over. However, I know that there are many more wonderful milestones and adventures to come and now I have all the hard stuff behind me right?. Maybe now I can enjoy all the hard work I put in during my 20's and enjoy my wonderful husband and fabulous boys and just live life. So here is to the next 30 years...I hope I do it right :) and I hope I find the waistline that I had in my 20's...here is to a few more salads!
Happy Birthday Crystal! I think you summed up how I am feeling too. I think for me part of turning 30 is knowing I want more kids and with all my struggles and not getting any younger...that makes my odds worse. Other than that, I think that I have the same fears as you do about 30!
fCrystal, Happy Birthday, though once again I am late. For me it wasn't 30 that drove me nuts but 34!
Why 34 I have no idea but the whole year it signified old and one to me. Then a friend said if you look at the good and positive each year you discover that always... the best is yet to be. Look at me...one of my best didn't happen until I was 41!! and then at 54 I became a gramma and now it just keeps getting better!
Love Brenda
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