It appears that Sparky has moved into the head down position for the Dr's appointment, how nice! I need to keep my weekly ultrasound and Dr appointments, if I do not deliver this week we will schedule a C section. The size of the baby is starting to become a concern for natural delivery, it is weighing in at 9 lbs 9 oz. it will be interesting.
Abigail will be two weeks old tomorrow, and I can't believe how quickly time is flying by now compared to the weeks before her birth! I felt just like you...I was so desperate to get her out for the last month of my pregnancy, begging my doctor to induce me early. I think you're right about it being harder on your body the third time around. Hang in there, though, and try to get as much rest as possible. It will be over sooner than you think!
Hi Crystal,
Good luck with your appointments and maybe you will go into labor this week. Whatever is meant to happen will. I had the same problems with time she would be head down, then the next transverse...never the same. She was transverse at 38 weeks so they decided to do the csection(i really had my heart set on a natural birth but wanted to do what was safest.) It turns out that she had her cord wrapped around her neck a couple times and it was a blessing we did the csection because it could have been a lot worse letting me try naturally. I think all that moving around from position to position made the cord wrap around her and then in the end, just didn't have enough cord left to go head down. I will be thinking of you and your family. Keep us updated!
Thanks Ladies,
Time is winding down and I am just getting impatient! I am ready to bend at the waist, sleep on my stomach and not walk around with a very pronounced waddle :) I am ready for baby to be here and with all the bouncing around the baby is doing I just want it out and to see for myself that everything is OK! I will def keep you posted. Sooner is def better :)
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