Well here is my little guy who was causing all the craziness inside. Henry Robert was born on Thursday, October 21 at 11:47 am. He was 9 lbs and 6 oz and 22 inches long. He is perfect.
My little guy into the world via C section. This was def an experience but I have to say the nursing staff and doctors did everything they could to make this a comfortable experience. The doctors rocked out to music and were decked in their Philly and Steelers caps and discussed the night befores big game. Amazingly that was what I needed, it took the focus off of what was going on behind that sheet. The surgery took about an hour and I have never been so scared but once I got through it there was this perfect little man waiting for me. The pain and uncomfortableness that follows has been the hardest part bit it was all worth it.
So which was worse now that you have done both? C-Section or natural? I had a 3rd almost 4th degree tear with Cole so that was a long recovery but I still think I would take it over c-section any day!
They both have their pros and cons but I would have to say the recovery from the C section is much more difficult and drawn out then natural birth. I think that it is good thing that the C section was the last delivery and not the first. I do not think that I would want to go through it again :)
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