Monday, October 11, 2010


So it has been a while since I have last posted and I am not sure why. Every time I sit down to blog something comes up or I get it all typed out and delete it. Not sure why. Oh well.
I have reached the 37th week of my pregnancy and I have to admit this one is not progressing as the others did. I am hearing mixed reviews and it is very frustrating, I hate not being able to see in there and check things out. One day I am dilating and head down with a 9 pound baby the next time the baby has rotated, is not head down and nothing is happening. I just wish that somebody would stick to their story. I wish that I did not have to go to Dr's Appointments once a week, I wish that I did not have to have an ultrasound once a week (on different days because they could not possibly schedule it all together) and I wish that our little one would just want to come out and see the world. I don't mean to complain and I apologize for I know that there are tons who would take on the "joys" of pregnancy in a heartbeat but for me right now, my reality is that its too much on my body right now. Too much. Mike had to take me the hospital last night for extremely severe back pain, it turn out the little one just had their head pressed into my spine and I had to rotate them out of the position. I was so embarrassed, you would have thought that by #3 I would not have to waste people's time. When I go to the hospital for the baby that is what I want, to leave with a baby. :) Thankfully I have a great husband and family who are patient and understanding with me and the ups and downs of pregnancies!
Here is to a post with baby pictures in the next week or so :)


Unknown said...

I know it is probably getting tough these last few weeks,but hang in there Crystal! I hope the baby behaves and comes out head down and less than 9 lbs! Be thankful you can have babies come out, no matter which direction because as we all know, there are so many out there that can't! I will be thinking of you these next few weeks and can't wait to see photos of the new little one! I hope you can enjoy some parts of this last pregnancy/delivery for you...

Crystal Uleau said...

Thanks Meg! I know, I am very lucky. Some days are just easier to get through then others. Working full time and taking care of two little ones and being nine months prego some days are just easier to get through then others :)

Momma Bird said...

Thinking of you Crystal. Glad all is well with you despite the aches and pains. Maybe the little one will come on Cole's birthday... Oct. 15th :)