Well, it seems that my New Years resolution has for the last 15 or 20 years been to shed those extra pounds, this year is no different I still need to shed those extra unwanted pounds, i feel like 100 hundred of them. The toll of three pregnancies and three small children has def taken its toll on my figure. There is less time to work out then there was before and my mind had more space for worrying about what I was putting in my mouth. I eat, most of the time without thinking about it. I am usually so busy that I pick here and there and it is what I am picking on and the fact that I am no longer in my 20's that has led to the extra weight. So this year I am going to try to embrace a two part resolution. Part 1: lose weight. Take the time to work out a little every day, to watch what I eat more carefully and to feel more comfortable in my skin and my clothes. Part 2 : this is where I am going to be more positive about life and try not to worry so much about the little things. To just enjoy life and my boys to the fullest and to remember that the glass is half full, not half empty.
So Happy New Year Everyone! and here is to seeing your new year unfold the way your heart desires.
This is our adventure through the ups and downs and all arounds of raising 4 kids and working full time!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010

SCARY! Henry was rushed to Dupount Children's Hospital in Delaware by ambulance on Saturday morning, December 18th. There is nothing so heartbreaking as seeing your 2 month old be strapped, carseat and all, into the ambulance. It was quite an experience and one that I do not hope to repeat any time soon. Henry was seen the Thursday (2 days before) before by his doctor. However, Saturday morning he did not look quite right to me so I thought that I would take him to the local medical center or walk in clinic. I figured the co pay was worth the peace of mind. It was there that they tested his oxygen levels and took chest x rays. He was only breathing at 83% and his x ray showed pneumonia in his right lung. They immediately hooked him up to oxygen and called the ambulance,, he was working too hard to breathe and eventually he would have tired himself out to the point of no return. They were wonderful men, they talked to me the whole way and kept the conversation light, they were very reassuring and calm on such a scary ride. Henry was admitted to the hospital and given antibiotics, we then moved to 3E. This was to be our home until Tuesday morning when we were released. I have nothing but good things to say about the people at Dupount, they were absolutely wonderful!
To all the moms out there I say trust your instincts no matter how silly they may seem. You know your children better then anyone out there and you know when something is not right, go with it. It is the best thing I ever did and I will never doubt them again. I cannot even imagine what the outcome would have been if I had dismissed them as needless worry. God bless :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gingerbread house party

The boys and I were invited to a friends house for a gingerbread house making party. It has become a kind of tradition and was so much fun! The kids did a fabulous job decorating their houses and playing and it was nice to get some adult time with good friends. This is one tradition that I hope continues :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
X mas Concert
Friday, December 10, 2010
Well I did it, we did it. I successfully got one husband out of the house by 6 am and three little boys dressed, fed, packed and in the car by 7:30. Not too bad if I do say so myself. The children were at their designated spots by 8 and I was at school by 8:10. Not too bad, I even had 5 min to spare before I would be late. It was a good day. I cried all the way to school but once I was there I was good to go. The kids missed me, it was nice to be welcomed back. It will take us a few days to get back into our groove but I am confidant that we will all be there in no time. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement, it was much appreciated. I was home with all three little ones by 5:30 and then it was dinner, baths and some cuddle time on the couch with the 25 days of Christmas. A pretty good day! :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
And we are off
Here we go again, back into the hectic schedule of life. Wish us luck! Hopefully there are not too many tears and I am not too late my first day back :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dear Henry
Today is my last day with you before the craziness of our life picks right back up where I left it 7 weeks ago. Please forgive me today if I hold you a little tighter, rock you a little longer and snuggle with you a little more today. I have cherished the past 7 weeks, have loved spending my days just you and me. I know that you will be fine, you will be with grandmere and meme until we break for Christmas, I am grateful for that, but I am not so sure how I will be. I will miss you. I will miss the break in our routine and schedule. I will miss seeing your beautiful blue eyes when you wake to see the world, your cry that means mama and your little fingers wrapped around mine. I am sure I will cry my way through day one but it will get better, easier, it will be ok, you will be ok, I will be ok.
People around me do not seem to understand how hard it will be, it will be ok, you will be fine, don't worry. I know it will be fine, I know it will be ok but it will still be hard, it will still hurt, I will still miss you. I love you little man :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Portable North Pole

Those of you with kids check this place out. It lets you make personalized messages from Santa to the kids. It includes information about them and its pretty neat. Jack got a kick out of it last year. Helps keep the magic of the holidays around! The first one is to Charlie and the second to Jack. The older kids one lets you pick a secret that Santa shares with you. Pretty Cute! Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Little man
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Elf on the Shelf

Today there was a "knock" at the front door. I told Jack to go get Daddy and then answer the door, when he opened the door there was a little elf sitting there with a story book about his adventure to Galena. He was very curious as to what this people was. We sat down and read the story; first this little elf comes to your home as a spy for Santa, you name him and every night when you are sleeping he reports all your good deeds and foe pas back to the big man. He returns to a different spot each morning, the only rule is you cannot touch him or his magic won;t work. He disappears on Christmas Eve and will return next year. Totally stole the idea from some ladies on Face book but def think it needs to become part of our family tradition. I love it!
Christmas Card torture

Here is one of the 500 million photos that my sister and I took over Thanksgiving in an attempt to get a Christmas card photo. We did our best but lets just say it was a work out and not an easy feat! Jack was the best and his only complaint was that this was taking forever and was supposed to be a couple of quick pics, I guess I need to watch my wording in the future with such a literal little man :) Charlie was not in the mood and would scramble or cry or say No and he had to have his dragon in every pose, no dragon, no photo. And of course there was Henry. Henry was a trooper and held on to the last run of shots and then he was done, not having it so to say the least it was an adventure and I guess when the cards come in I will let you know how the final product turned out.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Don't Peak Santa

Yesterday I started placing Christmas decorations around the house, just a few here and there. Here is a picture of a santa I hung on the handle of the front door. Jack asked me what it was when he got home from school and I told him that it was Santa and that he was watching him, so he better be good. The second photo is of Santa after I left the room for a minute. When I returned I asked what had happened to Santa and Jack told me that he does not want Santa watching him that closely! Too cute! Have to cherish these moments :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My time with Henry is almost over and I am already growing anxious. My anxiety is eased a bit due to the fact that Mrs. Uleau and Mary will be taking him until we are on Christmas break but I have a feeling that I will be crying lots of tears. It is has been a wonderful experience staying home with my little man. There is nothing like cuddling on the couch, rocking him to sleep or just being there to be the one to soothe him when he is sad or sick or grumpy. I do not know if I am just the general amount of sad and anxious or if I am trying to savor every moment as this could be my last baby :(
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
November Thanksgivings ~ Catch Up!
ok, so I have not been good about the daily thanksgivings but I thought that I would sum it all up in one post :)
I am thankful for so much. I am thankful for the health of myself and my family, I think all too often we take our health for granted and just assume that everyone is and always will be fine.
I am thankful for three healthy, happy and well adjusted little boys who love life and all the discovery it has to offer.
I am thankful for my family. My mom, dad, brothers and sister who I am very close with and who I know would be there is a heartbeat if I called. As I would be for them. I am thankful for all their love and support and thankful that no matter how many miles separate us at any given time they are all only a phone call away!
I am Thankful for my in laws. They have been wonderful and very welcoming from day one. It is nice to have them close. I am thankful for the wonderful man they have raised and for all their support and understanding :)
I am thankful for my house. It is not my forever house (this is what mike and I refer to as our dream house) but it has been a home for our family to love and grow in. We are very fortunate to have a roof and heat when so many other people as struggling and lacking for what we take for granted.
I am thankful for my job. There are days when I complain and dislike it but overall I am happy doing what I do where I do it. There will always be something that you love and hate about your job no matter what it is, it is the nature of the beast.
I am thankful for my husband. It is rare that you find someone who loves and respects you and is willing to stand by your side for life. I am thankful for his support, his shoulder, strength and love.
I am thankful for life and love. I have been very blessed in this life. I am loved by great people and have been very blessed. I am thankful for that. All too often we take that for granted. I am thankful for all the opportunities that have been awarded me in life and for all the good and bad experiences that have shaped me into the teacher, wife, mother and person that I am. It is easy to focus on the bad stuff sometimes and to live in the future, the dreams that you have for your family and self so I am thankful for the present and life today.
I am thankful for my friends. It is very important to have a few special friends that you can count on no matter what and who are there for you always. I have these special people in my life. There are a small handful of friends from high school that I keep in touch with, although I have to say we had a a pretty tight graduating class, which is nice. I am thankful for my college friends and that we keep in touch. These are still the people I call to share good and bad news with, seek advice and to just catch up on life with. It is nice that even though we do not have to talk much we can just pick up where we left off. I am thankful for the few, good friends I have made here in Maryland. It is nice to have their ear to bend and shoulder to lean on or some good old fashion girl time with!
I am thankful for so much. I am thankful for the health of myself and my family, I think all too often we take our health for granted and just assume that everyone is and always will be fine.
I am thankful for three healthy, happy and well adjusted little boys who love life and all the discovery it has to offer.
I am thankful for my family. My mom, dad, brothers and sister who I am very close with and who I know would be there is a heartbeat if I called. As I would be for them. I am thankful for all their love and support and thankful that no matter how many miles separate us at any given time they are all only a phone call away!
I am Thankful for my in laws. They have been wonderful and very welcoming from day one. It is nice to have them close. I am thankful for the wonderful man they have raised and for all their support and understanding :)
I am thankful for my house. It is not my forever house (this is what mike and I refer to as our dream house) but it has been a home for our family to love and grow in. We are very fortunate to have a roof and heat when so many other people as struggling and lacking for what we take for granted.
I am thankful for my job. There are days when I complain and dislike it but overall I am happy doing what I do where I do it. There will always be something that you love and hate about your job no matter what it is, it is the nature of the beast.
I am thankful for my husband. It is rare that you find someone who loves and respects you and is willing to stand by your side for life. I am thankful for his support, his shoulder, strength and love.
I am thankful for life and love. I have been very blessed in this life. I am loved by great people and have been very blessed. I am thankful for that. All too often we take that for granted. I am thankful for all the opportunities that have been awarded me in life and for all the good and bad experiences that have shaped me into the teacher, wife, mother and person that I am. It is easy to focus on the bad stuff sometimes and to live in the future, the dreams that you have for your family and self so I am thankful for the present and life today.
I am thankful for my friends. It is very important to have a few special friends that you can count on no matter what and who are there for you always. I have these special people in my life. There are a small handful of friends from high school that I keep in touch with, although I have to say we had a a pretty tight graduating class, which is nice. I am thankful for my college friends and that we keep in touch. These are still the people I call to share good and bad news with, seek advice and to just catch up on life with. It is nice that even though we do not have to talk much we can just pick up where we left off. I am thankful for the few, good friends I have made here in Maryland. It is nice to have their ear to bend and shoulder to lean on or some good old fashion girl time with!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Turning 30

So, for a few days, maybe even weeks, I have been struggling with the idea of turning 30. It is just a number right? So why I am so scared of it? I do not know. It is funny, I could not wait to be 16 and get my license, 18 and graduate high school and head to college and 21 well that was a fun one. The rest of my twenties flashed by in a blur, at 23 I graduated college and moved to Montana, at 24 I was engaged and started my first year of teaching, then I was married, pregnant and enrolled in graduate school. Before I knew it I had my masters, six years of teaching, five years of marriage, three pregnancies and three wonderful little boys under my belt. Maybe I am not scared of 30, maybe I am not scared of getting older, maybe I am scared so many wonderful milestones are over. However, I know that there are many more wonderful milestones and adventures to come and now I have all the hard stuff behind me right?. Maybe now I can enjoy all the hard work I put in during my 20's and enjoy my wonderful husband and fabulous boys and just live life. So here is to the next 30 years...I hope I do it right :) and I hope I find the waistline that I had in my 20's...here is to a few more salads!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November Thanksgivings 3

Today I am thankful for the safety and security of my brothers. Both of my brothers are US. Navy Seals and have been to war several times each. I am thankful that their skills, luck and God have watched over them on each of their missions and have brought them home safe again. I pray that as they continue to serve their time and fight for the freedom of our country that they will continue to come home healthy and in one piece. I am thankful for everything that they and their fellow soldiers have given up so that we can maintain our safety and security. Thank you boys and may God bless and watch over you every day in all that you do. We love you and come home safe :)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November Thanksgivings ~ 2

I am extremely thankful for my husband! He is my best friend and partner on this crazy adventure called life. I depend on him tenfold. He is my strength, my wisdom and my voice of reason. I can always count on him to be there no matter what and even when we disagree the love is strong and true. Thank you for everything. Thank you for holding my hand through the good times and for "carrying" me through the difficult ones. I know that together we can accomplish anything. Thank you for being a fantastic father and I hope that our 3 boys grow into the man that you are. Thank you for everything :) I am thankful for the memories that lay behind us and am looking forward to the adventure that stretches ahead. I love you :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
November Thanksgivings

So, I saw a couple of blogs that were doing this so I jumped on the band wagon, I thought it was a great idea! I think that the idea is every day you tell about something else that you are thankful for.
I am thankful for my three healthy and happy little boys. They make everyday interesting and exciting and there is nothing that compares to watching them grow, change and interact.
Happy Halloween

Here are the three boys dressed and ready to go "twick or tweating" as Charlie liked to say. They had so much fun! Jack and Charlie ran up to each house, said their trick or treating and Happy Halloween and then on to the next one. By the end of the hour Charlie was half asleep in the wagon, he's had enough. It was too cute. Now you have to excuse the picture, I am waiting to see if there is a better one somewhere but this is the best that I have got right now and this was a hard one to get! Everyone was more interested in something other then looking at the camera and saying CHEESE!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thank you
There are lots of people that I owe thank yous to for all the help and support that they have offered and given over the last few days; my mom for all her hard work with the boys, for flying here and for doing my dishes and laundry; the staff at Cecilton for all their love, support and help at school, my mother and sister in law for all their help with the boys, for watching them, taking them to school and daycare and driving them and me around :) to everyone for their kind words, good wishes and love and for all the little things that you did to help me and my family thank you!
I want to thank my boys for being so flexible and understanding in this very hard and crazy transition. Their schedule and world was turned upside down and mommy disappeared for a while and came back with this strange little person that they have to be "gentle" and "quite" around.
Thank you boys; you are amazing and caring big brothers that mommy and daddy are very proud of and love very much!
Finally I would like to send a big thank you out to my best friend and my husband. Thank you for all that you did to make this experience and transition as easy as possible. I know that you were run ragged for a few days and I thank you. Thank you for all the big things; running to the airport to get my mom and take her back, for keeping things as normal for the boys that you could, for running them here and there and everywhere, for being there with me; for holding my hand and talking me through it all. Thank you for the Dunkin Donuts coffee and muffin that you brought me each morning and for sneaking in that delicious cheeseburger the day of my surgery when I had not eaten in like a day; and thank you for all the little things that I did not see or know about I could not have done it without you. Thank you most of all for the third little perfect man that our family is blessed with. I love you with all my heart.
I love you all the way to the moon and back down to the dirt :)
I want to thank my boys for being so flexible and understanding in this very hard and crazy transition. Their schedule and world was turned upside down and mommy disappeared for a while and came back with this strange little person that they have to be "gentle" and "quite" around.
Thank you boys; you are amazing and caring big brothers that mommy and daddy are very proud of and love very much!
Finally I would like to send a big thank you out to my best friend and my husband. Thank you for all that you did to make this experience and transition as easy as possible. I know that you were run ragged for a few days and I thank you. Thank you for all the big things; running to the airport to get my mom and take her back, for keeping things as normal for the boys that you could, for running them here and there and everywhere, for being there with me; for holding my hand and talking me through it all. Thank you for the Dunkin Donuts coffee and muffin that you brought me each morning and for sneaking in that delicious cheeseburger the day of my surgery when I had not eaten in like a day; and thank you for all the little things that I did not see or know about I could not have done it without you. Thank you most of all for the third little perfect man that our family is blessed with. I love you with all my heart.
I love you all the way to the moon and back down to the dirt :)
Henry Robert

Well here is my little guy who was causing all the craziness inside. Henry Robert was born on Thursday, October 21 at 11:47 am. He was 9 lbs and 6 oz and 22 inches long. He is perfect.
My little guy into the world via C section. This was def an experience but I have to say the nursing staff and doctors did everything they could to make this a comfortable experience. The doctors rocked out to music and were decked in their Philly and Steelers caps and discussed the night befores big game. Amazingly that was what I needed, it took the focus off of what was going on behind that sheet. The surgery took about an hour and I have never been so scared but once I got through it there was this perfect little man waiting for me. The pain and uncomfortableness that follows has been the hardest part bit it was all worth it.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Today is the Day!
Today we will be finally meeting "little" Uleau. At last count they were weighing in at 11 lbs :) Holy Cow! Now mind you this weight could be off but in either direction. None the less we will be meeting our new little one through a C section a little before lunch time. I am very nervous. I have never had surgery before and I am not sure what to expect! Plus I am anxious, is it a boy ? a girl ? does it really weigh the eleven pounds it is projected to weigh? Well time will tell and by my next blog you will get to meet our new little addition. Please say a little prayer and keep us in your thoughts today mom and baby will need it! Happy Thursday everyone! and Happy Birthday little one :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Time is winding down
It appears that Sparky has moved into the head down position for the Dr's appointment, how nice! I need to keep my weekly ultrasound and Dr appointments, if I do not deliver this week we will schedule a C section. The size of the baby is starting to become a concern for natural delivery, it is weighing in at 9 lbs 9 oz. it will be interesting.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mixed Emotions
I am not sure how I want my appointment today to go, I have mixed emotions. I do not know how I would feel about either having to go through with a "normal" delivery and take the chance of them having to rotate the baby manually and that failing and ending up with a C-section or just going in with a C- section in mind. From my research it seems those are the only 2 options with a stubborn little one! I just need this new Uleau to be welcomed into the world soon.......well I guess it is in the Dr's Hands. We shall see what they say this morning.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Baby Update
Due to the size that they think the baby is, I have been on weekly ultrasounds and weekly Dr appointments. At yesterdays ultrasound the baby is weighing in at 9 lbs 9 oz. and has moved itself out of the head down position and into the transverse position. Transverse means that the baby is laying on its side, kind of in a moon shape with neither the head or the feet being in the down position. It has been in the head position and then not and then in it and then not. The baby has removed itself from my spine but is now shoved comfortably up under my ribs :) They have put a rush on my ultrasound results and I meet with the Dr on Friday morning to discuss our options. We shall see. Wish us luck!
Monday, October 11, 2010
So it has been a while since I have last posted and I am not sure why. Every time I sit down to blog something comes up or I get it all typed out and delete it. Not sure why. Oh well.
I have reached the 37th week of my pregnancy and I have to admit this one is not progressing as the others did. I am hearing mixed reviews and it is very frustrating, I hate not being able to see in there and check things out. One day I am dilating and head down with a 9 pound baby the next time the baby has rotated, is not head down and nothing is happening. I just wish that somebody would stick to their story. I wish that I did not have to go to Dr's Appointments once a week, I wish that I did not have to have an ultrasound once a week (on different days because they could not possibly schedule it all together) and I wish that our little one would just want to come out and see the world. I don't mean to complain and I apologize for I know that there are tons who would take on the "joys" of pregnancy in a heartbeat but for me right now, my reality is that its too much on my body right now. Too much. Mike had to take me the hospital last night for extremely severe back pain, it turn out the little one just had their head pressed into my spine and I had to rotate them out of the position. I was so embarrassed, you would have thought that by #3 I would not have to waste people's time. When I go to the hospital for the baby that is what I want, to leave with a baby. :) Thankfully I have a great husband and family who are patient and understanding with me and the ups and downs of pregnancies!
Here is to a post with baby pictures in the next week or so :)
I have reached the 37th week of my pregnancy and I have to admit this one is not progressing as the others did. I am hearing mixed reviews and it is very frustrating, I hate not being able to see in there and check things out. One day I am dilating and head down with a 9 pound baby the next time the baby has rotated, is not head down and nothing is happening. I just wish that somebody would stick to their story. I wish that I did not have to go to Dr's Appointments once a week, I wish that I did not have to have an ultrasound once a week (on different days because they could not possibly schedule it all together) and I wish that our little one would just want to come out and see the world. I don't mean to complain and I apologize for I know that there are tons who would take on the "joys" of pregnancy in a heartbeat but for me right now, my reality is that its too much on my body right now. Too much. Mike had to take me the hospital last night for extremely severe back pain, it turn out the little one just had their head pressed into my spine and I had to rotate them out of the position. I was so embarrassed, you would have thought that by #3 I would not have to waste people's time. When I go to the hospital for the baby that is what I want, to leave with a baby. :) Thankfully I have a great husband and family who are patient and understanding with me and the ups and downs of pregnancies!
Here is to a post with baby pictures in the next week or so :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ok, it is slacker Uleau here. I have not been very good at keeping up but I try :) Here is a short video of the boys. Jack is the horse and Charlie the cowboy. I love that they are the best of buddies, it is so nice to see them play together. They have their brother moments but most of the time they get along pretty well. I hope Sparky fits into the mix just as well. Boy or girl :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
First Day of Camp

Here is Jack excited and ready to go for his first day of camp at preschool! He had a great time and believe it or not the part that was the most intriguing to him was that they slept there, that they had a nap! Too cute! :) He had such a great time, walked in, kissed me goodbye said see you later and had no clue that mom cried all the way to school. I know that he had a great time and I know that he loved being there but it was so hard to leave him there, he is my little man :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ok, I have to admit that I am more than a little jealous of all you women out there who can keep your figures during and after pregnancy. I am on my third and final pregnancy and dream of the days when I use to fit into my size 8 pants and cute little summer dresses. Not to mention I used to flit around the beach in a bikini and little shorts never thinking twice about a full length cover up! Cycles of life I guess! It is just a hard pill to swallow thinking that all my cute little clothes will probably go out of style or decompose before I can find myself anywhere near them again but I cannot seem to make myself throw them out. For those of you that can leave the hospital in your pre prego pants I salute you and wish that I could walk out those doors in your shoes. When I leave this time I will have to glue myself to my sneakers. If you have helpful hints or tips please share!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thank you Pere pere

Dear Pere Pere,
Thank you for looking out for Jack, thank you for taking care of him and for guiding him even in your physical absence. It is comforting to know that you are guiding him, teaching him and surrounding him in your love. Jack has been speaking of you often lately. Just recently we asked him where he learned something and he said " Pere Pere." I asked him if he spoke with you and he said yes, Pere pere teaches him lots of things. I asked where he saw you and he said that you were with God in heaven and that God takes him to meet you. Jack looked up to you here on earth and loved nothing more then tagging along in your shadow, it is nice to know that he still holds that spot. I pray that he is always able to lean on your strength and learn from your wisdom.
We love and miss you pere pere.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am so excited to say that summer time is here! YIPEE! I am so glad that it is finally here. I am looking forward to spending some time with the boys and I hope that we get to do lots of fun things this summer :) This week is filled with appointments and checkups, all that stuff you do not have time for during the school week and then on Monday Jack goes to preschool summer camp for a week and I start summer school! It won't be too bad but it will be the first summer in four years I have had to work :( We will still have afternoons to swim and play :) Here is to the summer that awaits!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Is it summer yet?

I want it to be summer! I am taking a break from writing my 25th end of the year narratives and trying to get sub plans ready for Tuesday and all I want to do is research fun things to do with the boys this summer! They are both getting so big and will be so much fun this summer. They are both pretty independent and love to hang out. Do not get me wrong, boys will be boys and they have their moments but I have to say for the most part they are best buddies :) I love it. So here are my plans for the summer. I will be teaching summer school until July but only half days and through Thursdays and I want to do fun stuff :) I think the Philly Zoo, Sesame World, Maybe Busch Gardens, camping trips, swimming lessons, Jack has a week at summer day camp (he is so excited) the beach of course and .......if you have thoughts or ideas let me know. I am open to all and so excited to get out and about with the little ones this year. I would totally vote for a water park too, I will be the beached whale. I hate being pregnant in the summer.Well, let's face the truth I do not make a very good pregnant lady. My favorite part of the whole process is when it is out!!! :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Over Memorial day weekend Grandma Leen, Grand-PA and Julie came down for a visit! The boys loved it! Grandpa and Jack set up their new bunk beds which have been a huge success! We kept everyone very busy! We spent one day at the beach, the boys never tired of the sand or the water and we had to drag them home :) We took one day and went to Strosburg Railroad (Charlie and Grand-Pa are in the picture) and Mike and I even got a date night! What a treat! It was so good to see everyone :) Hopefully it won't be as long between visits!.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Jack is promoted

On Thursday Jack was promoted in preschool! It was too cute! First all the kids proceeded in and sang songs for the moms and dads and then they proudly walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. It was very nice. Jack will def miss preschool. He loved all the kids, the teachers and has learned so much! Preschool days were def his favorite days of the week. He woke up every morning and asked if today was preschool day! I hope his enthusiasm for school continues as he grows :)
Catch up

So it seems that I am always trying to play catch up on this little blog of mine. I try to make time for it, I try to get to it but two little men, a house and 25 fourth graders keep me very busy and I am not as good, obviously, at juggling my time as some of my fellow bloggers :) I try! I promise!
Included with this post are my two men at the DogWood Festival. DogWood day is a celebration that our little town puts on every year and is quite cute. It is celebrated by a parade and then there is a little festival that follows. It is very cute. The picture is of the boys waving their American Flags.
Thursday, June 3, 2010

So baby #3 is doing well! Just had the ultrasound today and everything is as it should be. I have to go next week for one more just to make sure. Sparky, as Jack refers to our new family member :) seems to either be a little big for their age or we are ahead of schedule and my due date is earlier then anticipated. Yipee!!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thank you
As my little men are tucked soundly into bed with dreams of firetrucks and cars running through their head I need to take a moment to appreciate how truly blessed I am. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day. In the crazy schedule we keep, packing lunches, cooking meals, laundry and all the everyday stuff that never lessens not to mention all that goes into the day of two teachers; that world is crazy all on its own; it is easy to focus on what you need, what is missing, what you can change but we lose track of what is right in front of us; each other. I am truly blessed with two wonderful, charasimatic, strong willed, loving and gentle boys who want to have picnics in the living room, who want me to just sit with them and snuggle for a little while or to play trucks, who are so excited to share their day with me. I may worry over little things and big things and things that might not seem to matter but there is nothing that can brighten your day like a hug from a two year old, an I love you Mommy or did you know your my best friend? You are my best friend too little man :) I am so very thankful for my boys; all my boys. I would be lost without MIke and cannot imagine one second of our life that I would change. He is my best friend, he is my rock, my voice when I cannot speak, he is my everything and I am thankful for the life that we have made together and for the beautiful boys we have been blessed with. No matter what the future may hold or the twists or turns that life may through at us as long as we are together we will be ok. So, I conclude tonight by counting my blessings.....so many more then I could ever mention in here. To everyone who has loved us, supported us, helped us and carried the weight for us we love you and are so very thankful for your continued influence in our hearts, our family and our lives. Thank you :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
All on my own
Just a few moments ago as I was vacuuming the living room Charlie left and went to his room. He was looking at books, quiet time. I finished up and went back to check on my little man, not even 5 min later and he had tucked himself into bed and was fast asleep. Too cute. He is growing up before my eyes :) Sweet dreams little man.
Snowcation 2010
Well the boys and I have just wrapped up an entire week of snow days! We had a record breaking snowstorm down here that started late Friday afternoon did not wrap up till Sunday and then came back around and walloped us again on Tuesday. We have had about 45 inches of snow in Feb alone! Def alot for a southern state like MD. I am not going to lie, it was nice to spend a week in my jammies playing with the boys and being a stay at home mom. We made countless playdough houses, baked cakes, cookies and a few loaves of bread, read stories, colored masterpieces, made our valentines and even practiced our cutting skills (with safety scissors of course) and learned how to write our name. I am afraid however that housatosis has set in and I am looking forward to heading back to school tomorrow if just for the sake of a little adult conversation. That is if the impending storm for tonight does not give us one more day off. I am a little nervous about these days being tacked on to the end of the school year. Our only saving grace is that the gov declared a state of Emergency on Friday and I am hoping it was a freebie! We can hope! If not I will get to celebrate my first fourth of July in school :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas In Maryland
When we returned from our Christmas in Maine we had our Christmas in Maryland with Meme and grandmere. This was our John Deere tractor Christmas. Jack and Charlie received the Gator you see above! Jack's friend Ben has one and he wants me to call to schedule I play date for the boys and their toys. Too cute! They also got lots of books, tractors and accessories. I think that I already know the tractor books by heart; if you have a little one who is in to the tractors they are tractor Mac books and the series is accessible through tractormac.com. It is cute series and the boys cannot seem to get enough of them! Happy tractoring!
Christmas in Maine

The boys and I traveled north this year to celebrate the Christmas Holiday in Maine. There are some random pictures......Christmas tea with June and Jackie....Jack helping grandma Leen make the cookies for Santa, Jack and Charlie setting out the cookies and writing a note to Santa......A picture from the Christmas Eve Service....pizza at the Cabin (best pizza ever) hanging with Uncle Jason and aunt Julie. It was a whirlwind of a trip and we did not see or do half the things we wanted. It was a good time but fun filled. Hoping that everyone else had a wonderful holiday season as well! The photos are coming I cannot seem to get them to download :)
Storm of 09
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