Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It has been months since the last time I have been on here and I have to say for good reason. There has been a lot that has changed.

We sold our house and bought a new one. This was quite a project. Packing up one house and moving everything over to our new house and unpacking it. We had to do this with three kids and while teaching school. I had no time off due to maternity leave. So everything was done on nights and weekends. There was barely time to sleep. We are very grateful for the help we had, couldn't have done it with out them!

We have been adjusting to our new surroundings, new school, new schedule and all the everyday stuff there is.

Also we found out that we are expecting #4 in late December, early January. So needless to say, time has been of the essence around here. I hope to be better about blogging and posting photos this summer.

Happy summer to everyone and I hope to be back on soon!


Momma Bird said...

Glad to see you have "come out" with the news. I have kept quiet until you did :) Congrats again!

Ruth (the blogger) said...

Congratulations!!! I am SO excited for you! Your youngest two will be best friends...nearly Irish twins, right? I can't imagine what a hectic/awful move this must have been, especially since you were pregnant. Too bad you weren't moving home! Maybe the next time. :)