I am sad to say that in less then a week we will be saying our goodbyes to summer and heading back to school. I am saddened by this thought. How I hate to leave my little men, they are in good hands but still, they are not my hands. Our unscheduled summer will become a very well oiled machine so that we can survive the school year. I will deeply miss the little things like putting Charlie down for his nap and having a little one on one time with Jack, I will miss all the firsts for Charlie when he broadens his vocabulary and all the games, adventures and creativity we used to fill our summer days. I will miss Jack as he protects his little brother and Charlie as he grows into a little boy. As much as a pain as Jack claims Charlie is, he is the first to his aid. Jack went for a sleepover to MEME and Grandmere's house tonight, before he left he made sure that I would take good care of his little brut-her; too cute. It is nice to see that they are already forming that bond I hope they will carry though life. Well enough crying about it; I will cherish the week I have left and be thankful that I have summers with them at all.
The photos attached are Jack's take on getting dressed.....and Charlie enjoying the summer sun!
1 comment:
Hey I know how it is...except I do this year round! However, I am fortunate enough to have my little man watched by my Mom and I get to take my lunches to go visit him! It sucks but I feel like it only makes us cherish our time with them even more!
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