Well, it seems that my New Years resolution has for the last 15 or 20 years been to shed those extra pounds, this year is no different I still need to shed those extra unwanted pounds, i feel like 100 hundred of them. The toll of three pregnancies and three small children has def taken its toll on my figure. There is less time to work out then there was before and my mind had more space for worrying about what I was putting in my mouth. I eat, most of the time without thinking about it. I am usually so busy that I pick here and there and it is what I am picking on and the fact that I am no longer in my 20's that has led to the extra weight. So this year I am going to try to embrace a two part resolution. Part 1: lose weight. Take the time to work out a little every day, to watch what I eat more carefully and to feel more comfortable in my skin and my clothes. Part 2 : this is where I am going to be more positive about life and try not to worry so much about the little things. To just enjoy life and my boys to the fullest and to remember that the glass is half full, not half empty.
So Happy New Year Everyone! and here is to seeing your new year unfold the way your heart desires.
This is our adventure through the ups and downs and all arounds of raising 4 kids and working full time!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010

SCARY! Henry was rushed to Dupount Children's Hospital in Delaware by ambulance on Saturday morning, December 18th. There is nothing so heartbreaking as seeing your 2 month old be strapped, carseat and all, into the ambulance. It was quite an experience and one that I do not hope to repeat any time soon. Henry was seen the Thursday (2 days before) before by his doctor. However, Saturday morning he did not look quite right to me so I thought that I would take him to the local medical center or walk in clinic. I figured the co pay was worth the peace of mind. It was there that they tested his oxygen levels and took chest x rays. He was only breathing at 83% and his x ray showed pneumonia in his right lung. They immediately hooked him up to oxygen and called the ambulance,, he was working too hard to breathe and eventually he would have tired himself out to the point of no return. They were wonderful men, they talked to me the whole way and kept the conversation light, they were very reassuring and calm on such a scary ride. Henry was admitted to the hospital and given antibiotics, we then moved to 3E. This was to be our home until Tuesday morning when we were released. I have nothing but good things to say about the people at Dupount, they were absolutely wonderful!
To all the moms out there I say trust your instincts no matter how silly they may seem. You know your children better then anyone out there and you know when something is not right, go with it. It is the best thing I ever did and I will never doubt them again. I cannot even imagine what the outcome would have been if I had dismissed them as needless worry. God bless :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gingerbread house party

The boys and I were invited to a friends house for a gingerbread house making party. It has become a kind of tradition and was so much fun! The kids did a fabulous job decorating their houses and playing and it was nice to get some adult time with good friends. This is one tradition that I hope continues :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
X mas Concert
Friday, December 10, 2010
Well I did it, we did it. I successfully got one husband out of the house by 6 am and three little boys dressed, fed, packed and in the car by 7:30. Not too bad if I do say so myself. The children were at their designated spots by 8 and I was at school by 8:10. Not too bad, I even had 5 min to spare before I would be late. It was a good day. I cried all the way to school but once I was there I was good to go. The kids missed me, it was nice to be welcomed back. It will take us a few days to get back into our groove but I am confidant that we will all be there in no time. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement, it was much appreciated. I was home with all three little ones by 5:30 and then it was dinner, baths and some cuddle time on the couch with the 25 days of Christmas. A pretty good day! :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
And we are off
Here we go again, back into the hectic schedule of life. Wish us luck! Hopefully there are not too many tears and I am not too late my first day back :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dear Henry
Today is my last day with you before the craziness of our life picks right back up where I left it 7 weeks ago. Please forgive me today if I hold you a little tighter, rock you a little longer and snuggle with you a little more today. I have cherished the past 7 weeks, have loved spending my days just you and me. I know that you will be fine, you will be with grandmere and meme until we break for Christmas, I am grateful for that, but I am not so sure how I will be. I will miss you. I will miss the break in our routine and schedule. I will miss seeing your beautiful blue eyes when you wake to see the world, your cry that means mama and your little fingers wrapped around mine. I am sure I will cry my way through day one but it will get better, easier, it will be ok, you will be ok, I will be ok.
People around me do not seem to understand how hard it will be, it will be ok, you will be fine, don't worry. I know it will be fine, I know it will be ok but it will still be hard, it will still hurt, I will still miss you. I love you little man :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Portable North Pole

Those of you with kids check this place out. It lets you make personalized messages from Santa to the kids. It includes information about them and its pretty neat. Jack got a kick out of it last year. Helps keep the magic of the holidays around! The first one is to Charlie and the second to Jack. The older kids one lets you pick a secret that Santa shares with you. Pretty Cute! Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Little man
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Elf on the Shelf

Today there was a "knock" at the front door. I told Jack to go get Daddy and then answer the door, when he opened the door there was a little elf sitting there with a story book about his adventure to Galena. He was very curious as to what this people was. We sat down and read the story; first this little elf comes to your home as a spy for Santa, you name him and every night when you are sleeping he reports all your good deeds and foe pas back to the big man. He returns to a different spot each morning, the only rule is you cannot touch him or his magic won;t work. He disappears on Christmas Eve and will return next year. Totally stole the idea from some ladies on Face book but def think it needs to become part of our family tradition. I love it!
Christmas Card torture

Here is one of the 500 million photos that my sister and I took over Thanksgiving in an attempt to get a Christmas card photo. We did our best but lets just say it was a work out and not an easy feat! Jack was the best and his only complaint was that this was taking forever and was supposed to be a couple of quick pics, I guess I need to watch my wording in the future with such a literal little man :) Charlie was not in the mood and would scramble or cry or say No and he had to have his dragon in every pose, no dragon, no photo. And of course there was Henry. Henry was a trooper and held on to the last run of shots and then he was done, not having it so to say the least it was an adventure and I guess when the cards come in I will let you know how the final product turned out.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Don't Peak Santa

Yesterday I started placing Christmas decorations around the house, just a few here and there. Here is a picture of a santa I hung on the handle of the front door. Jack asked me what it was when he got home from school and I told him that it was Santa and that he was watching him, so he better be good. The second photo is of Santa after I left the room for a minute. When I returned I asked what had happened to Santa and Jack told me that he does not want Santa watching him that closely! Too cute! Have to cherish these moments :)
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