This is our adventure through the ups and downs and all arounds of raising 4 kids and working full time!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
While Dad's Away
Mike has been away at a conference for school the boys, dogs and I have been flying solo. Today we enjoyed a quiet day at home. We did not get out of our jammies till 12, then we joined Grandmere and Olivia for lunch and ice cream. It was a wonderfully low key and chillastic day. So much fun. I think everyone needs those not much to do days, they only problem is that they are hard to come by.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Charlie has added two more words to his ever evolving vocabulary. He now walks around the house repeatedly saying or rather yelling BYE, BYE and waving his right hand. It is always his right hand and he is always looking at you when he says it. It is too cute. BYE BYE He is so proud of himself as he should be. The other new addition to his vocabulary is ME. Whenever he wants something, anything at all or wants to be included or hugged and loved he scrunches both of his hands together and continuously repeats ME, ME, ME. He is such a cutie ! He is really turning into quite the little man. I understand, that Charlie is also the spitting image of my baby brother Matthew when he was that age; I could not think of a better role model for our little men. Come home safe and sound Matt, we miss you!

There have been several firsts in the Uleau household over the last couple of days:
Poor Baby Charlie got his first fat lip today! We were playing on the playground and Charlie was a champ climbing up and down and all around and having a grand old time, that is, until he lost his balance as new walkers sometime do and bit his lip. Now the whole left side of his bottom lip is all fat and puffy. Poor Baby.
Jack went to his first movie, we saw the latest Ice Age movie. It was so cute! Jack did very well. He had a hard time sitting down but still enjoyed it just the same peering over the back of the seat in front of him. Half way through the movie when the little ice age squirrel was fighting over the infamous acorn and lost it to another squirrel he stood up and yelled "Give it Back!!" It was fun!
We also made our first attempt at CandyLand! I used to love that game. The box says three and up but I do not know, after about 2 turns our attention game was gone but the boys just liked the crazy board and it gave us a chance to practice our colors! We have those down pat!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Catching Up!
Ok, so I have said it before and I am going to say it again, I will be better at blogging. I will make it a priority as it is a great way to catalog the events of the kids and to keep track of all those little things that happen that you lose track of after while. So, that being said to all that read this, and I am not sure if there is any outside myself and the grandparents but that is who is for anyway, this post is a catch up post to get back on track.
The family has just returned from a week long trip to Maine to see the family. It was a very adventurous trip up there. Both boys, count them, 2 got car sick multiple times. When we finally arrived in Maine 11 hours later....there was heavy weekend traffic, we opted for baths and showers first. Everything else would have to wait. The car ride home was a lot more uneventful and low key, just the way I like it. The time there was wonderful. It is always good to see mom and dad and to let the grandparents and aunt Julie dote on the boys. They had a great time. We spent one day at the beach, Damriscotta lake beach (my favorite) is wonderful due to its warm water and shallowness, you walk forever before it even reaches your waist. Plus it is not a huge beach so you can keep track of the little ones! The boys had fun in the sand and surf until it rained, yuck, it did rain a lot in Maine while were there. I do not remember that much rain in the past.
Jack celebrated his third birthday in Maine this year. We spent the morning playing at Clifford with Ruth and her two boys. It was so much fun! I do miss old friends and it was neat to see Jack and Josiah carry on like they were old buddies. Oh to be three again!
While we were in Maine Jack and I went to the hospital to visit Aunt Brenda. We had to take the elevator up to the second floor to find her. On the way back down Jack told the nurse that we had to take the Alligator. How cute is that? Later when we were visiting her and the boys at her house he went for a ride with God (Todd) in his Mustang. Did he love that! Jack loves cars, trucks, tractors and all driving related transportation but how many people can say that they drove around Bayville in a red Mustang with God?!
Today the boys went for their yearly checkups. All is well. Jack is in the 50% across the boards while Charlie is in the upper end across the boards. They are growing fast and right on track! The only downside to the visit was that Charlie has another ear infection and he had to have 3 shots. Yuck! The shots do not get any better for me or Charlie. He has been sleeping since 12. Poor Baby they wiped him out.
Well, in a nutshell I think that keeps everyone up to date with where we are right now and where we are going. I will continue to try to keep this thing updated on a more regular and dare I say it, daily basis.
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