Jack is a wonderful big brother and loves to do what he can to help. Jack insisted that it was his turn to feed Charlie and that he could do it without HELP. Jack is quite the little helper, always willing to go get Charlie's blanket, bottle or diapers as long as he is not busy driving his car or talking on the phone to his best friend Robbi. The John Deere wallpaper that you see is the new paper in Jack and Charlie's room. They have graduated from the Old Fashioned Pooh and Friends that has decorated the nursery; it is now a big boy room. Jack loves the truckies (truckies is Jacks lingo for tractors) that decorate the walls, wears grandmere's award winning tractor boxers whenever he can or driving his "truckies" around the house.
This is our adventure through the ups and downs and all arounds of raising 4 kids and working full time!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Turn!!!!!
Jack is a wonderful big brother and loves to do what he can to help. Jack insisted that it was his turn to feed Charlie and that he could do it without HELP. Jack is quite the little helper, always willing to go get Charlie's blanket, bottle or diapers as long as he is not busy driving his car or talking on the phone to his best friend Robbi. The John Deere wallpaper that you see is the new paper in Jack and Charlie's room. They have graduated from the Old Fashioned Pooh and Friends that has decorated the nursery; it is now a big boy room. Jack loves the truckies (truckies is Jacks lingo for tractors) that decorate the walls, wears grandmere's award winning tractor boxers whenever he can or driving his "truckies" around the house.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Growing Fast
Here is our little man smiling....probably at Jack. He finds Jack to be very entertaining and just sits and watches him sometimes. We wonder if Charlie will be our quiet one, Jack could def do the talking for both of them! Charlie is growing fast, it is so hard to believe that he is almost three months old, where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I could not wait for him to get here and here he is laughing and smiling, holding his head up like a champ and rolling over. With the new school year looming too close for comfort it is going to be hard to not be home with both my little boys full time.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jack Loves Tractors
So we went to the doctor for our two month and two year checkup....Jack weighs a whopping 27 lbs and are you ready? Charlie weighs 13 lbs....crazy huh!!!!Both boys are doing well and we are now allowed to introduce Jack into the world of peanut butter, yum!!! He does not know what he has been missing. Luckily, the doctor has confirmed that waiting is no longer recommended and that we won't have to wait quite so long to introduce Charlie to the yummy world of peanuts!!!!
Charlie has really come into his own. He is rolling over, only stomach to back but he is ahead of his time......such a proud mama!!! He has started smiling and giggling and cooing. He wants to keep up with his big brothers constant dialogue. He loves to rock and his new favorite thing is patty cake, it always makes him smile.
Goodbye to an old friend!!!
Well, today we put all our binkis in a plastic bag and gave them to the trash man. They are finally gone and we are very sad!!! Jack has been walking around asking for his binki and cannot seem to understand that they went bye bye. I do not think that he will ever like trash men or trucks again. Alas, it was time.
However, an ice cream cone seemed to cheer him up a little, check out that smile!!!! (just like his mama, has a weakness for ice cream yum!!!)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I AM 2!!!!
Today was JAck's second Birthday!!!!! Where does the time go. It is so hard to believe that our little man is now two years old. We had a fun day complete with birthday pancakes that sported our #2 candle, spend most of the day in grandmere's pool (jack loves to swim) and wrapped the day up with some funfetti cake. Jack scored a My First Art Set Easel and a bubble blowing mower from Mom, Dad and Charlie. They are def a big success; I am not so sure about the dry erase markers they might be leaving thier mark all over my house!!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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